Multimedia is a multimedia application that is used in the learning process, in other words, to channeling messages (knowledge, skills, and attitudes) and to stimulate thoughts, feelings, concerns, and willingness to learn that learning occurs intentionally, aiming and control.
So far there are many teachers who have not applied the multimedia learning, they just rely on books or worksheets, and it can make students become bored, and consequently became lazy in learning. Therefore, teachers are advised to apply the instructional media in order to raise students' interest in learning.
After the students listen the music until 2 or 3 times, the teacher will be ask them to write the the answer in the whiteboard, after that the teacher will order the students to make a paragraph from the words in the whiteboard. after they make it, the teacher will ask them to read the paragraph in front of the class, and to the student who make a good paragraph the teacher will give they a good make.
I think this strategy, so good because no need to make an media just laptop or tape, and this strategy can make the students feel happy with study, so if you wanna make a good learning in the class you can use this media/ strategy.....